Friday, November 18, 2011

Goood morning blog! :)

random neighbourhood cat

Gooood morning my beautiful blog! I don't know why mornings are always so beautiful in my sister's house. Maybe it has something to do with the lighting, or the view from the 5th floor, or the fact that my sister and brother in law wake up late so I have a few hours of the house to myself before I have to comb this tangled mess I call hair. Oh wait, it's not that at all. I woke up and automatically reached for my phone and found the cutest little text from a special someone and just smiled a sleepy smile for about a minute or so and then I fell asleep again and woke up 2 hours later but it's ok because they're still not up. 
   Today is the 19th of November. My little sister's birthday is 9 days away and I was thinking of doing something special. Since she's not here I can go about my plans without having to hide them but I have no idea what I'm gonna do. I dowanna buy her something because that's what everyone does for birthdays, buy each other gifts. Why can't birthdays be a day where people make or find things for you? Wouldn't it be so much more meaningful and sincere? And it saves so much money. If you were to buy someone a birthday gift and they hated it but told you they loved it because they didn't wanna hurt your feelings but just ended up chucking it under their bed to collect dust and other unmentionables its just a waste of your money. Now if you didn't have to pay for it, it wouldn't make you feel so bad. So I'm gonna think hard (or just think because my brain has been overloaded with pressure lately) about what I'm gonna make her for her birthday. toodles.

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