Sunday, September 18, 2011

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Bulletproof mama

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I have always known how much my mother has sacrificed for our family but she never ceases to amaze me how she does it continuously without fail. Throughout my teens until now my idols were constantly replacing each other. To name a few there were Amy Lee, Maegan Tintari and Giannina Lezcano which I think are all exceptional women. But I never realised that I already had a truly exceptional woman in my life. She takes blow after blow and still perseveres like she's bulletproof or something. Selfless, humble, strong, courageous, caring, thoughtful, adaptable, kind, ingenious are just adjectives that don't even begin to explain how incredible she is. Today I realised she's my true idol.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Leave me be

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Constantly be disappointed.
Sooner or later you will decide that I'm not worth your time.
I shall accept it without a word.
You won't see the beauty in my flaws.
Something in the pit of my stomach says I had it coming.
Eventually I bore one bothers to stick around and see what happens after.
They just to collect the pieces.
Somewhere around that time I decide to go into full lockdown. 
No one in. Everyone out.
And it's around that time you notice my hardened expressions. 
I send frostbites in every direction, including your's.
I partly wish I could apologize for that but what's the point?
Will you get it? 
Will you even try to sympathise? 
I'd scare you off in a heartbeat when the dams of my emotions break.
I know your cowardly courage is only temporary.
So don't try to show off your's only a matter of time before it shatters.
Arrows have been sharp enough to pierce my heart but they stay there
reminding me of the wounds they've inflicted.
So don't come close or someone will get hurt. It's usually me.
Leave me be for I do not wish to chase happiness down to a dead end.