Sunday, June 26, 2011

Folding with grandma

Folding the clothes when my grandma's around is an intense experience. I know you're probably thinking she's a control freak that comments on every single thing I do like most grandmas do. Things like "that's not how you fold an underwear!" or "hasn't your mom taught you anything?!" but its not exactly like that. She focuses on one thing only...

Here's how it goes. I'm sitting on the floor and she sits on the sofa (cause she has back problems). I start folding and she scrutinizes my every move. I try to escape her owl-like gaze as she carefully monitors every piece I fold, God forbid I mix her pants with my mom's underwear. As soon as I touch anything resembling her clothes (in her eyes) she hoots "that's MY pants/underwear/t shirt!" and then I have to assure her that I know her clothes and I won't mix them with anyone else's. Of coures she doesn't trust me and has sometimes even knelt in front of me to grab her clothes, terrified that I lose them. I tell her that I know what I'm doing and then she sits back and waits for the rest of her clothes.

This goes on for as long as I'm folding whether it's 1 basket or 3. She will sit there patiently, never taking her eyes off my folding for fear that I might misplace her clothes. As soon as I'm finished she breathes a sigh of relief, quickly getting up to grab her clothes and put them upstairs in her room. And the thing is she often (and by often I mean almost always) mistakes my mom's and my sister's clothes for her own. I'm just lucky she can't fit my underwear.

My mom has lost many pairs of pants to my grandma and my sister has lost t shirts. My mom begs me to save her pants when I'm folding the clothes and I try my best to hide them while distracting my grandma with something but it's no use cause later she'll dig into mom's clothes to make sure I didn't mix her clothes with my moms. As usual she'll think I did as soon as she sees pants and then my mom comes home to find that her pants are missing. It's as hilarious as it is tragic. I wish she wasn't so forgetful. I hope I won't become like that one day. She thinks they're her pants and she feels better when she takes them back, unaware that she can no longer differentiate her clothes from others'. Ignorance is bliss. But is it really?

image from

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