Thursday, May 19, 2011


poems take too long to write when you have no inspiration. it's easier to just ramble on on how you have writer's block than to try to 'unblock' it. that's what i have been feeling like lately. as soon as i do wanna write something down something comes up and then i forget what i wanted to write. very frustrating. and then there's the total lack of drive and passion about anything. i have gone into zombie state again. going through the same routines daily without really knowing what's going on around me and not even wanting to pay attention. plus there's a new addition to the family that has been invading my space of zen and peace. let's call him big-baby-that-refuses-to-grow-up-or-act-like-an-adult. ok maybe that's a bit too long. let's try joker,coz that's the only thing he's good at.
the joker has set bombs on my nerves, patience and tolerance and the worst part is that i'm the one who has to see him most hours in a day.unfair much but life's unfair. i just hope i don't get to a point that i'd get mad enough to show him what fair is and someone loses an eye (and it won't be me). mama and lil sis agree that if i get mad enough i can kill someone and i need anger management class. i think so too but i haven't found any yet. i'm not crazy...ok just a lil bit but who isn't?besides all the best people are right?that's what i learnt from alice in wonderland.i know i have to deal with my anger issues but shoudn't other people try not to make me mad when i warn them that i'm a tad crazy?
so far i haven't killed anyone yet..apart from gross creepy crawlies.i love cute fluffy animals.psychos wouldn't right?anyway when i get my own place i'm gonna have my very own mad room where its thick soundproof walls would keep the neighbours from hearing me screaming my lungs out while throwing ugly vases and other breakables at them (the walls not the neighbours).for now i'm enjoying the last few minutes of peace at home on my own before my mom returns with the's raining!yay!toodles.
image from

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